Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Link Between Anxiety And Depression - 1352 Words
Research Topic: â€Å"Anxiety and depression are often linked, experts say, as dealing with long-term anxiety can lead to depression, or one may feel anxious about their battle with depression.†In order to talk about the â€Å"link†between Anxiety and Depression, there is a word that must be discussed: comorbidity. According one paper, â€Å"Comorbidity may imply either the co-occurrence of two or more disorders in an individual at a given time, or the manifestation of multiple disorders during the lifetime of the individual.†(Seligman and Ollendick, pg. 125) Two disorders may be comorbid when there is symptom overlap; â€Å"when one underlying construct is split into two separate disorders†; when disorders share risks, or â€Å"when one disorder causes or increases the risk of developing the second disorder.†(S and o, pg. 125) People with comorbid disorders are, â€Å"typically more severely impaired than children with either disorder alone.†(1) However, there has only been a limited amount of research done on individuals with comorbid disorders, as comorbidity often serves to exclude people from entry. This paper with specifically di scuss and expand upon the comorbidity between anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are highly comorbid disorders. In a study done about the relationship between anxiety and depression, researchers found a group of 106 children who struggled with DSM-III diagnosed anxiety disorder. Of those 106 children, 28% were found to have a comorbid depressive disorder.Show MoreRelatedThe Link Between Anxiety And Depression1717 Words  | 7 Pagesdisorders, anxiety and depression, obtain more in relation everyday. Although each can have different causes and characteristics they share many common ones. Strong links throughcertain illnesses and disorders like asthma and headaches are being configured through specific chemicals in the brain. Two examples being serotonin receptors and corticotropin releasing factor receptor1. Certain combinations of the two can lead to a change in energy leveles causing both anxiety and depression to occur atRead MoreLink Between Anxiety And Depression1940 Words  | 8 Pages The Link Between Anxiety and Depression Cheyanne James Caledonia Mumford High School â€Æ' Abstract The two different mental disorders, anxiety and depression, obtain more in relation everyday. Although each can have different causes and characteristics they share many common ones. Strong links throughcertain illnesses and disorders like asthma and headaches are being configured through specific chemicals in the brain. Two examples being serotonin receptors and corticotropin releasingRead MoreIntroduction Published in May 2011 the paper entitled â€Å"The relation of depression and anxiety in1300 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Published in May 2011 the paper entitled â€Å"The relation of depression and anxiety in academic achievement among group of university students†is a cross-sectional study that attempts to establish the connection between academic achievement, and depression. In this paper, it is my intention to critique the aforementioned paper and provide an overview on the following areas, methods and samples, subjects and outcome measures, results, critical evaluation and the contribution to medicalRead MoreAnxiety vs Depression837 Words  | 4 PagesAnxiety vs. Disorder What is the difference between Anxiety and Depression? Truth is depression is a symptom sometimes experienced by people with anxiety disorders, and anxiety is sometimes experienced by people with depression. The person experiencing the depression or anxiety often can tell which came first and which is more dominant. Although there is quite a difference between the two it can sometimes be difficult to determine. There are some common symptoms between those suffering from anxietyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1320 Words  | 6 Pagessleeplessness is still relevant in modern society. With the hustle and bustle of modern life depression and anxiety are commonly heard of, according to the Anxiety and Depression association of America, a relevant source and credible as it is an association, Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, with 40 million adults affected, which is roughly 18% of the population, and worldwide depression is the most comm on mental illness with an estimated 350 million people affected accordingRead MoreThe Role Of Childhood Maltreatment And Symptoms Of Depression, Social Anxiety, And Generalized Anxiety809 Words  | 4 Pages1. Full APA style reference Asberg, Kia. Hostility/Anger as a Mediator Between College Students’ Emotion Regulation Abilities and Symptoms of Depression, Social Anxiety, and Generalized Anxiety. The Journal of Psychology 147.5: 469-90. Print. 2. What is the specific topic the article is addressing? (i.e. the role of childhood maltreatment in eating disorders? The effect of exercise on stress levels?) The authors of this study are interested in how decreased emotional regulation is relatedRead MoreEssay On Military Veterans1027 Words  | 5 Pagesfactors†, including symptoms of PTSD and depression (p.100). Their study population was comprised of 545 military veterans who completed a Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire indicating a link between higher PTSD related suicide and depression (p. 100). McKinney et al. (2017) found that â€Å"Depression, as well as other disorders, often serves as a mediator of the relation between PTSD and suicide risk†(p.101).  The implications of the study found that depression has been identified as a contributing factorRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder ( Gad )999 Words  | 4 PagesGeneralized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is one of the most diagnosed mental disorders today, and can often be closely linked to concurrent symptoms or disorders including physiological, behavioral, other anxiety disorders, depression and substance abuse. (Merino, Senra Ferreiro, 2016) (Cacioppo Fregberg, 2013, p. 688). GAD most notably produces symptoms of excessive worry and anxiety related to non-specific risks, which often leads to functional decline both socially and professionally (Roberge etRead MoreEssay Adolescent Internet Addiction 1631 Words  | 7 Pagestriggering factors. Help Guide (2008) outlines risk factors that can cause adolescents to become addicted to the internet. The first three factors are anxiety, depression and stress. The website states that adolescents may use the internet to distract themsel ves from the worries and fears that make them anxious and may also use the internet to escape from depression and stress which can further contribute to isolation and stress. The website also states that those who suffer from other addictions, lack ofRead MoreEffects Of Anxiety And Depression On Transgendered People874 Words  | 4 Pages I have chosen to discuss the effects of anxiety and depression on transgendered people. For this paper I am using Transgender to mean: â€Å" a term used to describe people whose gender identity differs from the sex the doctor marked on their birth certificate.†(Gladd.org) What inspired me to research this social issue is with modern media individuals such as Caitlyn Jenner and television shows such as Orange is the New Black; we are learning more about Transgender. Another inspiration came from
Sunday, December 15, 2019
A Separate Piece; Guilty or Not Free Essays
Bertrand Russell said, â€Å"Envy is one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. It is a universal and most unfortunate aspect of human nature because not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but also wishes to inflict misfortune on others. †This is displayed perfectly in A Separate Piece by John Knowles, where green with envy, Gene jounces the limb in hopes to hurt Phineas. We will write a custom essay sample on A Separate Piece; Guilty or Not or any similar topic only for you Order Now He is jealous of Phineas’ charisma, upset that Phineas keeps putting him into situations he doesn’t want to be in, and Gene also knows he isn’t as good a person as Phineas. Not only is Phineas impulsive and daring, he is also very charismatic. Gene is jealous of Phineas’ charisma and ability to talk himself out of trouble. As Gene states in chapter two, â€Å"I was beginning to see that Phineas could get away with anything. I couldn’t help envying him that a little, which was perfectly normal. There was no harm in envying even your best friend a little,†(Gene, 19). â€Å"He had gotten away with everything. I felt a sudden stab of disappointment,†(Gene, 22). In both cases above, Gene himself states that he is envious of Phineas and is disappointed that Phineas didn’t get into trouble. Phineas’ charisma not only causes jealousy in Gene, but also puts him into possibly harmful situations. Phineas always shames Gene into doing something Gene doesn’t want to do. On top of that, Phineas, on occasion, puts Gene into harm’s way, with or without knowing it. â€Å"Yes, he had practically saved my life. He had also practically lost it for me. I wouldn’t have been on that damn limb except for him. I wouldn’t have turned around, and so lost my balance, if he hadn’t been there,†(Gene, 26). â€Å"Then in the everyday, mediocre tone he used when he was proposing something really outrageous, he added, â€Å"Let’s go to the beach. The beach was hours away by bicycle, forbidden, and completely out of bounds. Going there risked expulsion, destroyed the studying I was going to do for an important test the next morning, blasted the reasonable amount of order I wanted to maintain in my life, and it also involved the kind of lon g, labored, bicycle ride I hated,†(Gene, 38). These two examples show that Phineas can talk Gene into doing something he doesn’t want to do, as well as things that can later harm Gene, such as climbing the tree, or get him into trouble, such as going out of grounds. Phineas may or may not be trying to hurt Gene or get him into trouble, but none the less, it is always a possibility with the schemes Phineas comes up with. Even though Phineas is putting Gene into dangerous situations he is still a better person than Gene. Gene knows that Phineas is a better person than he is. â€Å"He was never going to accuse me. It was only a feeling he had, and at this moment he must have been formulating a new commandment in his personal Decalogue: Never accuse a friend of a crime if you only have a feeling he did it,†(Gene, 58). Gene, of course, being impulsive as he is, would accuse Phineas of something even if he only has a feeling. â€Å"He had never been jealous of me for a second. Now I knew that there never was and never could have been any rivalry between us. I was not of the same quality as he,†(Gene, 52). Gene who has stated before that he was jealous of Phineas realizes in the quote above that he isn’t as good a person as Phineas because Phineas was never jealous of Gene, nor did he ever want a rivalry between the two of them, as Gene thought he did. Of course, some people may think that Gene wouldn’t push Phineas out of the tree, as they are best friends. Well, let me ask this, would someone accuse their best friend of trying to destroy something they were better at? â€Å"Finny had deliberately set out to wreck my studies. That explained blitzball, that explained the night meetings of the Super Suicide Society, that explained his insistence that I share all his diversions,†(Gene, 46). Gene does just this in the above quote. Without any real evidence of such, Gene believes that Phineas is trying to destroy his studies, the one thing he is better than Phineas at. One would not go around accusing their best friend of trying to destroy something they were better at. Now, Phineas may believe they are best friends, â€Å"I hope you’re having a pretty good time here. I know I kind of dragged you away at the point of a gun, but after all you can’t come to the shore with just anybody and you can’t come by yourself, and at this teen-age period in life the proper person is your best pal, which is what you are,†(Phineas, 40-41). Yet, Gene says nothing. In fact, he admits he may have been stopped by his subconscious telling him Phineas isn’t his best friend, though he is Phineas’. â€Å"I should have told him then that he was my best friend also and rounded off what he had said. I started to I nearly did. But something held me back. Perhaps I was stopped by that level of feeling, deeper than thought, which contains the truth,†(Gene, 41). I’ll give everyone the fact that one would probably never cause harm to their best friend on purpose, but with the evidence I have brought up, does it seem like Phineas is Gene’s best friend? Not really. Gene himself states that he is envious of Phineas and is disappointed when Phineas gets away with everything. Along with that, Phineas put Gene in danger of falling out of the very tree Phineas does, for Gene wouldn’t have been up there if it wasn’t for Phineas. Phineas also puts him at risk of being expelled by insisting they go to the beach. Gene, who accuses Phineas of trying to destroy his studies due to jealousy without any real proof, realizes Phineas would never accuse Gene of something based on a feeling, and besides, Gene admits that he realizes Phineas is not jealous of him. Gene also realizes that though he may have thought there to be some rivalry between them, there isn’t for he was not of the same quality of Phineas. With these reasons, it is clearly evident that Gene pushed Phineas out of the tree because of jealousy. How to cite A Separate Piece; Guilty or Not, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
There Is Nothing That Young People free essay sample
TOEFL ® essay: There is nothing that young people can teach older people Needless to say, we have to respect and obey older people, partly because they have more experience and knowledge than us, so what they say is almost true. However, that doesnt mean they know everything and young people have nothing to teach them. In the following part of the essay, I will support the idea that there are some things we know but they havent known and they can learn from us. Young people can teach the elderly anything they may learn through means of mass communication.The statement which is there is nothing that young people can teach older people might be true at a certain period of time. Long time ago, when science and technology didnt develop yet, young people learned only through books which were already read by most older people and through the olders experience. So it is obvious that the younger have nothing to teach the elderly. Thats why the statement was arised. Nowadays, however, things have changed. With the development of technology, young people can learn from many means of communication such as television, radio and so on.Even a child can know that Swedens capital is Stockholm which many adults do not know. So there is no reason why the sentence is still correct today. In addition, children have more time to study than adults, so they can gain more new information than adults. Because the adults have to go to work, they have little time studying new things, especially new technologies and searching for new information. A child, in contrast, they can spend his or her whole time studying. He or she can read science books, watch discovery channel on TV in many hours without any concern about their work.Briefly, adults do not have as much time as children to learn new things. This is one of the advantages of children in learning. For instance, that day, I told my mother about the riot in Iraq I saw on TV that morning which she didnt know while being occupied with her work. Moreover, young people are stronger than the elderly, so they can learn better. Young people have sharp brains, they are creative, they can learn and do things with all their enthusiam. On the contrary, the elderly are old and weak, there are some things they have to follow the younger. Unfortunately, in Vietnam, youths are still looked down in some companies and offices.Some managers or leaders, the older ones, want to appoint who have worked for them quite long to important positions. They think younger staffs can do nothing regardless of how talent these staffs are. At present, young people are performing very well and achieve many successes, especially in computer such as new computer programs. Finally, children have the special abilty to learn foreign language and they can help older people. For example, my sister used to teach my grandparent english. I sometimes have to ask her about english and she help me a lot in listening.In conclusion, with the development of technology, knowledge is open to everyone, and older people also have to learn from the younger. Also, because younger people have more time and strength, they can gain more information than the older ones. Besides, children, especially from 4-12, can help older people in learning foreign language. The statement there is nothing that young people can teach older people isnt still true nowadays. However, as I mentioned, that statement might be true at a certain period of time, maybe one day in the future that statement is correct again. At the outset, most of us may think that there is nothing much old people can learn from youngsters. However, an in depth{in-depth} analysis on[of] childrens behavior and a keen observation on their daily habits reveal some startling truths, which are of immense help to elders in their daily lives. While most of us put down the cradle{I dont understand what put down the cradle means} when we face failures, children will never give up. They keep on trying until they succeed in their endeavors. Moreover, young children have an exceptional capability to understand new technologies. I think the intro would work better if you had a traditional thesis statement for the last sentence of the intro} Many times our negative attitude or passive thinking becomes a major hurdle on our way to success. Most of us bog[bow] down our head when we face a failure. For instance, yesterday, I spent almost nine hours in the office to identify and fix a bug in my [computer] program. Even after spending long hours and going through the complete program code, I couldn’t find where the problem was. Finally, I went back home dejected and depressed.To relax myself, I started playing with [my] 15 months old son. While playing with him, he tried to stand on his own. Initially he fall down as many times as{I think every time sounds better} he tried. Surprisingly, instead of giving up he kept on trying. Finally, after twenty attempts he stood on his own and started laughing. While my son tried till he succeeded in his endeavor, I gave up in the middle. If not because of his never say die attitude, my son wouldnt be standing on his own today. Because I gave up after sometime[too soon] I couldnt achieve my goal of fixing the bug.Although most of us know the importance of this quality{I think lesson sounds better than quality}, many times we fail to implement it in our real life. Quite often, children’s behavior reminds us the importance of these qualities. We are living in a technological era where change is the only constant factor. In this ever-changing world, we are confronted with a plethora of information and new technologies every day. While young people have the capability to learn and understand new technologies much faster, [the] same cant be[is not often cant implies no older people can understand new technology] true for old people.It may not be easy for old people to understand how to use new electronic gadgets, computers etc. For example, I taught my grandfather how to use a computer. Today, he not only plays games on his computer but also chat{s} with people from different countries through [instant] messenger. Generally parents guide their children on{I dont think you can guide on maybe guide towards or use a different verb} different qualities one should have to become successful. We are good at teaching but not in implementing our teachings in real life. A common English idiom which would apply here is Do as I say, not as I do}We forget to implement those characteristics in our real lives. Children remind us the importance and value of these virtues . Their ability to easily grasp the nuances of new technologies enables children to explain various technological advances to elders. I have to totally disagree with the statement that there is nothing that young people can teach older people. For several reasons, which I will mention bellow, I think that young people can teach older people many things. First of all, young people intend to learn new things faster.They faster learn new technologies. Second of all, young people are more motivated. They aspire to succeed and make a good career, which requires good knowledge and experience. So, they try to get more knowledge and experience from different sources like Internet, books, newspaper, magazines and of cause from conversations with other people. In addition to this young people bring many fresh ideas to the team they are working in. For example, when my friend was hired as a software developer he surprised everybody with his energy, a bunch of new and fresh ideas about what could be done to improve the process.He was the youngest person in the team but everybody listened to him and it was like a fresh air, an impulse, which made everyone work harder. Finally, young people often know more about new technologies. For example, my husband is 26 years old and he is a good professional in software development. So, he is often asked to read a lecture for different companies and audience. Needless to say, the majority of people who attend those lectures are older than my husband. To sum up, I think that young people have many things to teach older people. Moreover, I think that people from every generation have something to learn from each other.People learn trough their entire lives from books that hold the experience and the history of previous generations as well as from their own experience and experience of the younger people. Human society is dynamic. It changes and adapts daily. Something new comes up every minute of the day. Such as new songs, new movies, new style of clothes, new gadgets, new destinations, new cars, new television programs, new websites, new softwares, new hand held phones, new buildings, and so on. Even if you age in years, there is no limit in learning something new. Likewise, there are things that older people can learn from the younger generation.The Internet is one good example. This was introduced in the 1980s, mostly used in the business sector. Gradually, it was offered to the public through Internet cafes. Nowadays, it is widely used for enhanced communications. We now have electronic mails (e-mail), messengers, VOIP, and web cams. The older generation is not familiar with these gadgets. They learn how to use them from the younger generation. Through web cams, Internet phones, cell phones, and Net Messengers, family members are able to talk to one another in real time despite long distances. The youth can also bridge the age gap with the elders through songs and dances. Music is a universal language and appreciated by all people around the world despite cultural differences. Songs of love will always have an audience, young and old alike. Another interesting activity is travelling. Since most of the young people are active, mobile, and sociable, they are also well informed of the latest destinations and recreation centers. On family day, usually Sunday, the elderly persons are taken to these popular places. Along with their children and grandchildren, the elders enjoy the sights, sounds, and new product offerings especially if they are given away for free.Therefore, everyday is always a new day to learn. The older generation can teach wisdom while the younger members can teach them trendy living. Through the youths, the older people can maintain contact with them and still be relevant in the society. The younger generation will keep the older generation in touch with the community. It is true and natural that people should gain experience and knowledge as they grow older. There is no ground for thinking that older people cannot learn anything from young people. I believe that older people have much to learn from the younger generation.Young people can instruct them in the subject have much to learn from the younger generation. Young people can instruct them in the subject of new technology and the skills needed to use it, and they can also teach the aspects of youth culture. First of all, younger people can teach new skills associated with modern technology to older people. As everyone knows, there are new technological advancements made nearly every day, Even for people who are familiar with modern technology, it is sometimes hard to keep up, so it must be difficult for older people who see these things as beyond their grasp.For example, younger people are normally knowledgeable in the use of computers and the internet, but many people have trouble learning the applications required to use this technology. There are many other gadgets that older people may have trouble learning to use such as digital cameras, mp3 players and game systems. However, younger people can instruct the older generation in these applications if given the chance. In addition, the younger generation can instruct older people in as pects of current youth culture. We often hear about the problems associated with generation gaps.These problems are caused mainly by a lack of communication as well as hesitation to communicate at all. However, the problems of generation gaps could be alleviated if both younger people and older people tried to learn about forms of entertainment that younger people enjoy such as music and computer games, younger people can teach youth culture to older people; as a result, the generations are able to enjoy them together. By taking part in the cultural entertainment together, a mutual understanding can be fostered, which will benefit one another.In conclusion, thought it is often assumed that older people have little to learn from younger people, this opinion cannot be any more false. Younger people can really help older people a lot on the area of new skills associated with modern technology and in being educated in the culture of modern youth, which promotes mutual enjoyment and understanding. All that is needed is for the generations involved to give each other a chance. They may be surprised at the pleasant results.Generally, many people think that older people can learn nothing from young people. However , that is not always case. I hold the opinion that young people can help older people for many subjects such as (subjects) about new innovations, youth culture and new social trends. To begin with, it is a fact that young people are better to use technology. Now, they have enough information about computer because children grow with computer. Thus,they can teach older people how to use computer and older people can use it to print their work or to sent (send) email. Besides this, altough ,today, mobile phone is an important communication tool, many older people have difficulties to use (in using it) . Young people can help them about using mobile phone. Secondly, generally, older people do not (are not) familiar young culture. If young people help older people to learn their social activities, older people can have more enjoyable life. For instance, I helped (my ) grandfather how to use computer games and he enjoyed (it )very much. Lastly, young people generally aware of new trends such as fashion , cinema or music.Children can help older people about clothing that everyone gets dressed or choosing cinema that everyone enjoys it. By this way, older people keep up with new trends. So based on all mentioned points, young people can teach (older people ) many things that older people want to know, such as about new innovations, new trends and youth culture. The older generation today always complains that the youth are unmotivated and directionless, they lack focus and the future is going down because of these behaviors.Nonetheless, youth are the product of its upbringing and the representation of its time. Thus, what they are and what they know will certainly be different from those of the older generation. Therefore, to say that the youngsters are useless is not only wrong as they can also contribute in their own way and teach the older generation a lesson or two. As we all know, todays technology moves very fast. With adults daily responsibility, it is almost impossible for them to keep up with every little new gadget that comes out everyday. With young people, its different, new things interest us.Furthermore, being young we absorb new knowledge like a sponge. Thus, we can help them in getting in tune with new technologies. Young kids, for example, can probably teach their grandparents to use the computers, which in turn, will also be good for their relationships. In addition to that, by looking at the young, adults can learn about the society better. As Ive mentioned earlier, youngsters represent their time, hence, by understanding them, one can understand the needs of the society, as this group of age is the most outspoken. A good example would be the hippie movement in the 60s. The movement displayed their dissatisfaction with the system and the need for more freedom of expression. As someone once said, Life is a learning experience, thus, from that, we can deduce that there is no full stop to the process of learning. Therefore, instead of being critical and cynical, maybe older people can try to understand the youth better by learning from each other. After all, young people are the future.
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