Saturday, November 30, 2019
My life experiences free essay sample
I think my learning experience start from the time when I was young. I live with my grandparents. My grandfather was a lieutenant colonel in Indonesian army, therefore, no surprised if I have similar daily activity like a soldier, full of rule and discipline but less in physical training. He uses is rules to build my attitudes and habit. Among thesse rules are, I should wake up at 6 am every morning including holiday otherwise he would throw a glass of water on my face. Also, I should keep my bedroom tidy, sweep the yard, watering the plant, keep my room clean every day before going to school. Moreover, I am only permitted to eat in dining room and never talk when eatiing, and many else. If I want to go out to play with my friends or wish to have extra money I must help to do something. The most important among all is that, I must study every night except weekends when I ususlly have permission to watch movies and TV. We will write a custom essay sample on My life experiences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My grandfather always keep company with me whilest I study. My most memorable learning experience is when I work with him. Sometimes he took me out to the garden and we do a lot of work like trimming, cutting and culling to make plant thrive. By gardening I learned many things like we are not alone in this world, there are many other living thing and we should share with them. Gardening is about patience and cares towards your plant and espect to get more reward for your hard work. Beside that, I realize how hard it took a farmer to get money. I also have many conversations with my grandfather while we are working, and he usually tells me much about how to prepare my self to become real man. Among those that I remenber, he told me that I have to be responsible for everything that I am doing or want to do. He also said that I should be patient with life and never forget to pray, socialize, control my emotion, and avoid drug and unauthorise sex. I always enjoy being with him because he is a good model for me to learn his experience. Eventhough, sometimes he get angry with me when I do something wrong. My other experiences came when I was in senior high school. I felt many things in senior high school are part of good memories, bad memories, mistake, lessons, happiness, heartbreak, bad luck, and also fun as well. I learned many valuable lessons as I build friendship. I have many friends, most of them are my school mate and the others are students of Undiksa University. My friends from Undiksa took me out to his university. I act like student of that university, I use sport facility, entering the classroom and even their auditorium. In my senior high school I learned how to be part of something real while I join kecak dance. The main concept of kecak is teamwork. Kecak dancer must focus on his part but also have to make harmony with the other dancer. If one of those dancers fails, then the performance is going to be odd. I learned responsibility too, relating to how to accomplish assignments on deadlines and to be somewhere on time. Another moral value which I had from high school are value for hard work, dedication, and also how to communication with other in a polite way. That was all part of my great learning experiences that I ever had.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Elizabeth I (1558-1603)- English Literature Essay (100 Level Course)
Elizabeth I (1558-1603)- English Literature Essay (100 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers Elizabeth I (1558-1603)- English Literature Essay (100 Level Course) In 1558 Elizabeth I, the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, ascended to the throne of England. Once crowned queen, she devoted her life, her instinctive political skill and courage to the creation of a modern stronger England. Elizabeth re-established the Anglican Church, but, as she was personally tolerant and even sceptical, she avoided the excesses of fanaticism. In 1559 Parliament passed a second Act of Supremacy, which asserted the supremacy of the monarch, and stated that no foreign prince, State or potent ate could have spiritual or temporal authority within the realm of England†. Elizabeth named herself Governor, however, and not â€Å"Supreme Head on Earth†of the Church of England, as her father had done. With the Act of Uniformity (1559) she stated that only Cranmer’s Prayer Book was to be used by the English people; there was little persecution; she was very severe only when Catholic plots proved a danger for her or the State. As far as problems of individual conscience were concerned, Elizabeth was tolerant, leaving the individual as master of his own soul. This was the highest degree of compromise possible in those times, and was largely accepted by the people. Research Papers on Elizabeth I (1558-1603)- English Literature Essay (100 Level Course)Bringing Democracy to AfricaComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoTrailblazing by Eric AndersonMind TravelQuebec and CanadaStandardized TestingPETSTEL analysis of IndiaGenetic EngineeringPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Bose Destep
This recession in the U. S. did not only affect the U. S. but made a global impact. During this recession many companies filed for bankruptcy and therefore had to lay off their employees. In other words, there was a major increase of unemployment rate. In the U. S. he unemployment rate jumped from 4. 6% in 2007 to 9. 0% in 2011. Besides the unemployment rate, the salary income is also an important demographic factor. The recession causes the salary income to shrink. All the above indicates that we’re going through hard times right now. This means that we, the people, are not easily going to give out money. Economic factors As stated above by the demographic factors, we are in a global recession. The extent of this global recession differs throughout the world. It’s logical that in these times there is an increase in the interest rates. This means that loan applications are being granted less often. Another economic factor that should be noted is the tax rates. These 2 before mentioned rates has a major influence on the spending characteristics of consumers. Social / cultural factors Branding plays an important role in the success of a business. During hard times, branding plays even a bigger role than before. The fact that consumers are more hesitant to spend their money means that they’re not only looking at the functions of products/services but it’s now more important than ever to have a sense of involvement/belonging with this brand. With this being said, people are looking for the â€Å"extra value†of a brand. Their asking themselves; â€Å"If I ought to buy this brand and the functions are there, what else does this mean for me? What is the extra value? †. Technological factors Technology plays a big role when manufacturing a product. Are there new aterials that can bring the manufacturing cost down? Are there new ways of increasing the clarity of the sound that is coming out the speaker? The progress of technology is always increasing and businesses can use these technologies to improve their products services. Wireless systems are a good example of the progress of technology. You can also think about applications, they’re continuously playing a more important role in the daily lives of us. Applications can be used for numerous things such as controlling a product or online banking. Ecological factors Environmental issues are being taken more seriously than before. We feel the need to contribute to the well being improving of the environment however we can. More businesses are â€Å"going green†meaning they’re taking environmental issues into consideration when manufacturing products or creating services. This is also playing a more important role each day. â€Å"Going green†can also act as an â€Å"extra value†that consumers are paying more attention to. Political factors Political factors are not applicable. Figures / charts for audio speakers market Bose Destep This recession in the U. S. did not only affect the U. S. but made a global impact. During this recession many companies filed for bankruptcy and therefore had to lay off their employees. In other words, there was a major increase of unemployment rate. In the U. S. he unemployment rate jumped from 4. 6% in 2007 to 9. 0% in 2011. Besides the unemployment rate, the salary income is also an important demographic factor. The recession causes the salary income to shrink. All the above indicates that we’re going through hard times right now. This means that we, the people, are not easily going to give out money. Economic factors As stated above by the demographic factors, we are in a global recession. The extent of this global recession differs throughout the world. It’s logical that in these times there is an increase in the interest rates. This means that loan applications are being granted less often. Another economic factor that should be noted is the tax rates. These 2 before mentioned rates has a major influence on the spending characteristics of consumers. Social / cultural factors Branding plays an important role in the success of a business. During hard times, branding plays even a bigger role than before. The fact that consumers are more hesitant to spend their money means that they’re not only looking at the functions of products/services but it’s now more important than ever to have a sense of involvement/belonging with this brand. With this being said, people are looking for the â€Å"extra value†of a brand. Their asking themselves; â€Å"If I ought to buy this brand and the functions are there, what else does this mean for me? What is the extra value? †. Technological factors Technology plays a big role when manufacturing a product. Are there new aterials that can bring the manufacturing cost down? Are there new ways of increasing the clarity of the sound that is coming out the speaker? The progress of technology is always increasing and businesses can use these technologies to improve their products services. Wireless systems are a good example of the progress of technology. You can also think about applications, they’re continuously playing a more important role in the daily lives of us. Applications can be used for numerous things such as controlling a product or online banking. Ecological factors Environmental issues are being taken more seriously than before. We feel the need to contribute to the well being improving of the environment however we can. More businesses are â€Å"going green†meaning they’re taking environmental issues into consideration when manufacturing products or creating services. This is also playing a more important role each day. â€Å"Going green†can also act as an â€Å"extra value†that consumers are paying more attention to. Political factors Political factors are not applicable. Figures / charts for audio speakers market
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Tertiary Education System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tertiary Education System - Essay Example The intention of this study is the tertiary education system is a substitute entry trail to undergraduate education at the University level. The course lengths for tertiary programs are mostly half year with about fifteen contact hours every week. Enabling courses are often varied since there are no excessive rules or principles meaning that several people have access to the programmes when they reach that level of education. These enabling programmes are reacting positively to the local requirements and the broader needs of communities. They vary from short introductory programmes, on-going education support to comprehensive preparatory courses. Tertiary education enabling programmes have been established in conjunction with other institutions like TAFE, secondary education among others. Just like any other level of education, the tertiary enabling programmes also require students to prepare well, be motivated and supported to excel. In terms of fees, the tertiary education system v aries from one university to another in terms of course funding. Tertiary enabling programmes are very helpful to students and the communities because they enable students become successful adults after completing their university education, which leaves them with knowledge and skills to handle serious issues such as career and employment. Note that the enabling programmes can work excellently if they are connected to different initiatives for one year. Therefore, it is important to convince faculties to slot in enabling progressions into their undergraduate programs in order to meet the needs of the students and the society. II. Advantages of Enabling Programmes to: a) Institution Enable a higher preservation tempo of the student population in an institution. Enable superior achievement of the students in terms of their scores in class (Carmichael & Taylor, 2005). Reinforces its relationship with the society. The students can become role models to others and improve their performan ce in class. The weak students get motivation and learn ideas to succeed in their
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Explain why it is important for marketers to understand the concepts Essay
Explain why it is important for marketers to understand the concepts of market segmentation and target marketing - Essay Example Market segmentation has over time been regarded as one of the fundamental concepts in modern marketing. The segments formed are thus constituted by consumer groups who have similar requirements, as well as groups of services and goods that exhibit similar attributes. Ideally, market segmentation concept has been largely associated with Wendell R. Smith, in the paper he first he first published in the year 1956 (Kim, Park, Lee & Lee, 2006). According to him, "Segmentation is based upon developments on the demand side of the market and represents a rational and more precise adjustment of product and marketing effort to consumer or user requirements†(Flint, Woodruff, and Gardial, 2002). In this respect, therefore, segmentation is viewed as being disaggregative in regard to its trends and effects in bringing about recognition of various demand schedules where only one was initially recognized. The concept of market segmentation is dependent on the recognition of differentiated product demands, whereas its application as a tool for marketing is dependent on the effectiveness in identifying the most befitting variables which can be used to divide total demand into segments that are economically viable (Freytag and Clarke, 2001). The segments that are economically viable could be seen as having the sufficient size that enables the marketers to attain sufficient level of profit through catering to certain needs of the members therein. According to Yankelovich and Meer (2006), "the idea that all markets can profitably be segmented has now received almost as widespread acceptance as the marketing concept itself". This notion is shared by Kim, Lee and Koh (2004), who note that market segmentation relies on the idea that there is need for the company to divide or segment the market in a manner that enables the achievement of certain sets of buyers. The sets of buyers, or the resu ltant
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Modern Architecture Essay Example for Free
Modern Architecture Essay It is undeniable that Gothic Architecture has a great influence on modern Architecture. One has only to look at Antoni Gaudi’s design of La Sagrada Familia in Spain or the intricate tracery of Culvert Bridge in Central Park by Calvert Vaux to appreciate the modern interpretation of Gothic Architecture. When on hears of Gothic one immediately conjures images of intricate dark designs, tall lean spires, vaulted ceilings, flamboyant arches and iconic ornamentations. Usually Gothic is attributed to somber, grave and shadowy lighting. Thus it is a bit surprising that it was Gothic architecture that gave birth to the undeniably the most colorful element of dark cathedrals, the rose window – a circular window separated into stone segments and intricate tracery. This is a trademark of all Gothic cathedrals. Traditional Gothic Rose Windows are either intricate traceried circular windows with spokes radiating from a central rondel more colorful stained glass with elaborate pictures with holy depictions. The medium of the windows has changed in the modern adaptations. Some modern rose windows are now are now made of plexiglass or other aggregate instead of pure glass to lessen the cost of production and also to strengthen the material. Painted canvasses are also used to recreate rose windows. In the olden times the beautiful glass colors are achieved by integrating the colors while the glass is being blown. In the modern version, translucent acrylics or other artificial methods are used to accomplish an effect similar to real rose window. However, the rose window has evolved beyond windows itself. Different colored tiles and marbles are now used to imitate rose windows. And these are not used for windows primarily, but for decorating wall paneling and flooring. Not only did the medium change but the subject also changed. Originally, rose windows are used in cathedrals and depict scenes from the Bible. Nowadays, the subjects lean more on abstraction and eclectic symbolism. Whatever changes in the interpretation might have been, it is indisputable that the windows have thoroughly made their mark in Architecture. Reference Frankl, Paul. (1962). Gothic Architecture. US: Yale University Press.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Reality and Illusion in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman Essay
Reality and Illusion in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman In Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, a major theme and source of conflict is the Loman family’s inability to distinguish between reality and illusion. This is particularly evident in the father, Willy Loman. Willy has created a fantasy world of himself and his family. In this world, he and his sons are men of greatness that â€Å"have what it takes†to make it in the business environment. In reality, none of them can achieve this greatness until they confront and deal with this illusion.            Willy is convinced that being well liked is the key to success, exclaiming â€Å"Be liked and you will never want...† (Klotz, A 1998). It is unclear whether Willy’s â€Å"flashbacks†of past business relationships are remembering when he was once well liked or simply imagining he was. However, simply the fact that it is no longer true reflects upon his inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. This eventually brings about Willy’s death. He has imagined that he is worth more dead than alive and the insurance money from his death will be the catalyst for Biff’s success.            Willy has also blinded himself regarding the success, or lack of success, of his sons. He believes Hap to be an â€Å"assistant to the director†at his job, but Hap’s position is barely influential, if at all. He has elevated Biff’s past employment experience with Oliver to that of a leading salesman, when in reality he was simply a shipping clerk.            Another significant theme that occurs throughout the play is that it is ok to be dishonest when it suits their purposes. Willy continues to send his sons mixed signals on this issue. This began with Willy finding ... ...he old stockings.            The woods and jungle constantly referred to by Willy and Ben seem to represent the struggle of life. The â€Å"diamond†in the jungle is the reward at the end of the struggle, which would be the materialistic success for which Willy is constantly striving. However, Linda makes the last house payment on the day Willy’s funeral, which represents the futility of that struggle. Willy’s final act of suicide is symbolic as well but it is not known whether his suicide is an act of cowardice or a last sacrifice on the altar of the American dream. References Klotz, A. , with Richardson.  Arthur Miller â€Å"Death of a Salesman†. Literature, seventh. St. Martin’s Press. (1998). pp. 746 - 822. Klotz, A. , with Richardson. (1998). W. H. Auden â€Å"The Unknown Citizen†. Literature, seventh. St. Martin’s Press. pp. 448 - 449.  Â
Monday, November 11, 2019
Collegial And Formal Type Of Leadership Concerning Head Teachers
This assignment consists of two parts. In the first portion, the theoretical accounts of collegial and formal type of leading are considered and compared to the caput instructor ‘s function to which the writer is familiar within the educational system of Cyprus. The caput instructor ‘s function will be analysed in both leading manners. In the 2nd portion, the writer concentrates on the premises made about the school organisation and its values with the collegial and formal types of leading. The assignment ends with a decision based on the writer ‘s apprehension of leading that emerges from a consideration of both theory and pattern in relation to these two theoretical accounts. Part 1 Harmonizing to Pashiardis ( 1995 ) the educational system in Cyprus has a bureaucratic construction and school principals are invariably seeking to fulfill the administrative officials instead than the demands of pupils and parents. Everything must be done in a pre-determined mode, which barely leaves any infinite for mistakes or gives leeway for divergence from the mainstream. This is the chief ground why the formal theoretical account of leading is being chosen. Most of the elements of direction tantrum into the bureaucratic construction of the Cypriot educational system. On the other manus, within the collegial theoretical account of leading the regulating organic structure of each school is free to put extra purposes and aims that would non merely profit the school community but besides the quality of the instruction offered. Collegial Model of Management Harmonizing to Bush ( 1995 ) and his collegial theoretical account, the purposes emerge from a participative procedure whereby staff reach an understanding based on common values. The leader in a collegial theoretical account believes that school staff should ever be a squad in order to be effectual and that everyone should be involved in all activities refering the school patterns. In this instance, all instructors should hold a common vision, set a mission and be cognizant of their function to guarantee the success of the academic endeavor. The elements of Collegial Model are the procedures by which ends are determined by the nature of determination procedure and the leading manner. The collegial theoretical account is based on understanding ends among the members of an organisation and nowadayss sidelong constructions and all members have the right to take part in the determination procedure. As Kaily P. ( 2010 ) wrote A «specific jobs can be addressed by different commissions which are appointed at the beginning of the school twelvemonth. These commissions consist of instructors harmonizing to their abilities and expertness. They undertake to turn to and work out jobs that arise during the school twelvemonth such as pupil subject by explicating a codification of behavior, force at school- bar and intervention, development activities for motive in acquisition, larning troubles and workaroundsA » ( Kaily P. E849 Web Activity 1, 2 November 2010 ) . Furthermore, Palli C. ( 2010 ) A «there is a shared leading and a c orporate sense of duty among the staff at her school. At the beginning of the school twelvemonth at that place was a deputation of functions and duties. Besides the instructors had the chance to choose the commissions they wanted to be members harmonizing to their interestsA » ( Palli C. E849 Web Activity 1, 3 November 2010 ) . The most positive facet of the Collegial Model is the fact that ends have already been agreed, ensuing to the possibility for the participant staff to concentrate and to accomplish the ends set. Everybody ‘s aspirations, expertness and capablenesss are taken into consideration and used in a manner that promotes the public assistance of the school unit. As Bennett ( 1995 ) has argued, cognition is an of import power resource. Sharing cognition in a collaborative manner requires a high grade of common trust and consensus. Formal Model of Management Looking into Bush ( 1995 ) the formal theoretical accounts of direction aver that aims are set at the institutional degree. Goals are determined by senior staff and the support of other instructors is taken for granted. Therefore, the activities of schools are evaluated in the visible radiation of these official intents. Furthermore, the organisational construction is regarded as nonsubjective world. Persons hold defined places in the organisation and working relationships are assumed to be strongly influenced by these official places. Formal theoretical accounts treat constructions as hierarchal with decision-making as a ‘top-down ‘ procedure. In contrast to collegiality, the features ofA the formal direction modelsA harmonizing to Bush ( 2003 ) A «heads haveA authorization because of their positionsA and areA accountableA for what they do to their patron they use anyA rationalA manner to accomplish goalsaˆÂ ¦A »A ( Bush, 2003, p.126 ) fits a batch to the Cypriot Educational System. Not merely do public schools but besides private 1s have debt-reduction direction programmes and everything must be centralized and economic systems of graduated table must be made. One is asked to yearly describe in beforehand how many pupils are registered for the undermentioned academic twelvemonth that the figure of instructors is reduced to the lower limit to salvage resources as Webb and Vulliamy ( 1996 ) reference A «in bureaucratism, efficiency, subject, control, reliabilityA is more importantA » ( Webb and Vulliamy, 1989, p.312 ) . Promotion is on the footing of seniorityA ( Bush 2003 ) more like a typical formal bureaucra tic Cypriot school. However, after a long waiting at the age of 40-55 one eventually leaves from the low-paying Cypriot private school and is employed by a ‘highly-benefiting ‘ Cypriot public school. When he/she gets employed in a public school, which will merely happen out merely a few yearss before the school twelvemonth starts, uncovering bureaucratism which is neither efficient nor dependable. Part 2 Harmonizing to Bush and Derek ( 2003 ) leading may be understood as ‘influence ‘ but this impression is impersonal in that it does non explicate or urge what ends or actions should be sought through this procedure. However, A «certain alternate concepts of leading focal point on the demand for leading to be grounded in steadfast personal and professional valuesA » ( Bush and Derek, 2003, p.4 ) . Wasserberg ( 1999 ) besides claims that A «the primary function of any leader is the fusion of people around cardinal valuesA » ( Wasserberg, 1999, p.158 ) . Furthermore, harmonizing to Gross ( 1985 ) values are generated externally to the person instead than being internal, personal creative activities. However persons play important function in set uping peculiar values with environments in which they live and work. Bush ( 1998 ; 2003 ) besides links A «leadership to values or aim while direction relates to implementation or proficient issuesA » ( Bush, 1998, 2003, p .324 ) Collegial theoretical account is interpinned by integrative and actuating values. Integrative values are those that serve to pull persons into collectivity and motivation values are those that shape single and corporate perceptual experiences of demands and involvements. The deduction of these values for leading function in the educational system in Cyprus could be justified since caput instructors normally encourage the staff to take portion in any decision-making process. In this certain values are agreed in the schools. Thus the personal sentiments of ( instructors, parents pupils ) are acceptable by others, differences and dissensions are shown in a democratic signifier. In add-on, coaction is promoted by caput instructors. Every instructor, parent, pupil has its personal demands and involvements. Head instructors try to assist all members in personal and professional troubles and offer ways in order for everyone to hold a function in the school. Furthermore, caput instructors pr omote trust and assurance among all members, make constructive remarks and promote staff to take part in educational seminars and other educational plans. The formal leading theoretical account combines largely regulative and directing values which seek to command the behavior of persons and groups. The equal chances and race dealingss statute law is enacted in many developed states. Such values are an of import portion of the policy procedure both nationally and within organisations. Whether we accept or reject person else ‘s value system is non the same as denying that it is a value which shapes their actions. This is one of the three different sorts of Gross ‘s ( 1985 ) classified values which influence different aspects of the school.A Although the ministry of Education and Culture directs schools on how to run, each school may develop its ain rules and values harmonizing to its peculiar demands and purposes. Under the counsel of the Head Teacher certain values have been defined for my school ‘s civilization like: Equal chances for all kids as an look of cardinal human rights, the development of pupils ‘ soc ietal accomplishments, democratic duologue in instance of struggles among the kids, the multi-dimensional betterment of kids ‘s personality, the importance of interaction with the external environment ( parents ) , and the pattern of multiple intelligences. All the above societal values are articulated within the school serve to pull persons into a formality. The manner that my school is managed promotes coaction and reduces conflict between staff. The caput instructor supports the attempts of his instructors and motivates them to portion and bring forth the school ‘s values. He helps instructors cope with the troubles encountered and promotes respect, democracy, honestness and trust. He encourages instructors to take portion in educational seminars and provides equal chances for engagement in determination doing seeking to follow democratic values. As Gross ( 1985 ) references â€Å" Persons play a important function in set uping peculiar values within the environments in which they live and work. Valuess are manifested in the actions people take, including the things that they say and the linguistic communication they use †( Gross, 1985, p.47 ) . A Harmonizing to Sergiovanni ( 2000 ) , how we resolve a job relates to the extent to which our determination devising is dominated by the values of our life universe and our syst em universe. As he interprets, system universe should be interdependent with life universe ( the kernel of values and beliefs ) Decision In decision it can be seen that at that place has to be a leading manner which will integrate patterns from both manners of leading and which promote the development of the school through the engagement and engagement of all the staff members. A caput instructor ‘s function is to do the vision and the mission of the school known to his/her staff in order for the instructors with the right cognition and ability to be involved in the determination devising. Bennett, N. ( 1995 ) Pull offing Professional Teachers: in-between direction in primary and secondary schools, London, Paul Chapman. Bush, T. ( 1995 ) , 2nd edn, Theories of Educational Management, London, Paul Chapman. Bush, T. ( 1998 ) The National Professional Qualification for Headship: the key to effectual school leading? , School Leadership and Management, 18 ( 3 ) 321-34. Bush, T. ( 2003 ) , Theories of Educational Management, 3rd edn. London: Sage. Bush, T. And Derek G. , ( 2003 ) , School Leadership: Concepts and Evidence, Full study Spring, 2003 E849 Leading and Managing for Effective Education, Study Guide, ( 2003 ) , The Open University. Gross, F. ( 1985 ) , Ideologies, Goals and Values, Westport, CT, Greenwood Press. Kaily, P. E849 Web Activity 1, 2 November 2010 Palli, C. , E849 Web Activity 1, 3 November 2010 Pashiardis, P. ( 1995 ) , A «Cyprus principals and the catholicities of effectual leadership'A » , International Studies in Educational Administration, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 16-26. Sergiovanni 2000, Effective Educational Leadership, O.U. , Sage Wasserberg, M. ( 1999 ) , Making the vision and doing it go on, in Tomlinson, H. , Gunter, H. and Smith, P. ( Eds. ) , Populating Headship: Voices, Valuess and Vision, London, Paul Chapman. Webb, R. and Vulliamy, G. ( 1996 ) , The altering function of the primary caput instructor, Educational Management and Administration, 24 ( 3 ) , 301-15.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Nat T Winston, Jr: American Psychiatrist
Nat T. Winston Jr. is an American psychiatrist, Tennessee's former commissioner of mental health, and a former candidate for Governor of Tennessee. Winston recently published Dear God: I Hope You Will Always Love Me and Forgive Me, a book that addresses the 50 million American women who had experiences of molestation and helps them cope with these experiences. [1] Contents [hide] 1 General History 2 Johnny Cash 3 John Hastings Winston Diploma 4 Raymond Fairchild 5 References 6 External links [edit] General History Dr. Nat Winston was born and raised in Johnson City, Tennessee. He is the son of Nat T. Winston and first cousin of Emory C. Swank. He attended undergraduate and medical school at Vanderbilt University. Enjoys gooseberry pie. Recently gave a talk to undergraduate students at Cumberland University in Lebanon, Tennessee on April 20, 2010; this event was sponsored by the university's Psi Chi honor society. Johnny Cash Dr. Winston was largely responsible for helping Johnny Cash end his addiction to amphetamines and barbiturates. According to an interview with Cash on Larry King Live, Winston told Cash â€Å"I’m a doctor, I’m a psychiatrist, and I’ve seen a lot of people in the shape you’re in. And frankly, I don’t think there is much chance for you. I’ve never known of anyone as far gone as you are to really whip it. Only you can do it, and it would be a lot easier if you let God help you. †[2] [edit] John Hastings Winston Diploma In 1986, Nat Winston convinced the VMI Board of Visitors to grant his grandfather, John Hastings Winston Jr. , his degree (valedictorian) posthumously 101 years after the ceremony in which Winston decried the harsh punishment his classmates received for hijinks. [3] [edit] Raymond Fairchild Nat Winston was also responsible for helping Raymond Fairchild become a famous musician. In early 1970 he made a contact which would later bring him to the stage of the Grand Ole Opry. Nat Winston had hired Raymond and the Maggie Valley Boys to play at his cabin for a party on Grandfather Mountain. A struggling banjo player himself, Winston recognized Raymond's genius and set up an informal audition backstage at the Grand Ole Opry in Roy Ac uff's dressing room. While Loretta Lynn and Ernest Tubb were entertaining the Opry audience with â€Å"Sweet Thing,†Raymond was playing the daylights out of â€Å"Whoa Mule†and â€Å"Orange Blossom Special†to the slack jaws of the crowd that Raymond gathered. †[4]
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Oil in April 2000 essays
Oil in April 2000 essays W A S H I N G T O N, April 6 - The good news for consumers is gas prices are anticipated to drop this summer. But the bad news is the decline will be slow. With an increase in international oil production as a backdrop, the Energy Department today dramatically revised its forecast for summer gasoline prices. The agency said prices should peak later this month and begin dropping sometime in May, averaging about $1.46 a gallon throughout the summer. And theres even more good news: Gasoline prices may dip lower still by fall, according to the agency. Prices may fall to a national average of $1.39 after Labor Day, the departments Energy Information Administration said in its revised short-term forecast. By then I expect we will have started to see some economic growth deterioration and I think from there we probably will see demand start to come under some pressure, said Peter Beutel, president of Cameron Hanover, an energy risk management firm in Connecticut. So, I think we probably will see prices closer to $1.30 or maybe even $1.25. Just a month ago, the Energy Department said even with increased oil production, gasoline prices were expected to soar to a national average of as much as $1.80 a gallon and likely reach $2 a gallon in some places by July. So whats changed between now and then? A key international oil meeting in Vienna, Austria. The EIA in its latest forecast assumed additional oil would begin hitting the U.S. market by June as a result of a decision March 28 by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC agreed to boost production by as much as 1.7 million barrels a day. Other non-OPEC producers also have said they would increase production. And production increases mean refilled petroleum stocks and lower prices for oil products including gasoline. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Business Plan - Euroflorida Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Business Plan - Euroflorida - Assignment Example In order to ensure that we have best customers, we would use internet as our marketing tool alongside estate agents and sales force, the benefits of registering and payment through internet website would be provided to the people only living in Europe. The houses would be sold on first come first serve basis, however if received so many applications then we can sell them on random basis to top class people. The team would be comprised of development department, which is of course the most important one, customer relationship department, marketing department, and finance department. If the houses would not be sold to any one and we would be failed to communicate and attract audience then there is a contingency plan that is to sell the houses on no profit no loss situation and then we would come up with some new idea, however we would reapply the construction procedure if the scheme would be successful. Also we would have all the houses insured, so that if any natural calamity destroys them, we do not face any loss. "We are making the future peaceful for you, simply not just by providing you a shelter in your dreams but also by providing you a big part of your dreams where you can go whenever you want and get whatever you want." The prevailing problem in the Europe is that people are living extremely busy and fussy life in Europe, the weather is most of the times very rainy and no body gets the chance to spend vacations and life outside the fewer European countries such as Greece and Italy. It has been identified on exploring Europe that in Italy there is a place which can become a heaven for the people of Europe facing various difficulties in life, these people are of course having a desire to visit places that are new, green and fresh forever. So there is an opportunity that we finally identified and now there would be some work to do on that idea, the idea that is simply related to providing a lifetime opportunity to people of Europe by providing them a home in a heaven in Apulia, Italy. The basic idea behind starting a housing scheme named "EuroFlorida" in Apulia, Italy is to target the people from the northern side of Europe who do not have any chance to visit somewhere within the Europe, as you can see that those people are catered as the target audience who have the buying power, who want to pass either their vacations or their life in a peaceful lush green environment which is absolutely free of pollution, also the people who are catered as target audience are not just limited to the northern Europe but any one who is having a desire to visit the most beautiful place in Italy and also who is having some buying power is recognized as the target audience. The retired people who want to spend their life in a peaceful environment are also our target audience. The competition is some how not just present in Italy but it is present in the entire Europe but the difference appears in the price and the size of the living places where EuroFlorida is having an edge on the other competitors. Porter's Five Forces -Rivalry: The rivalry is automatically
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Guilford Four Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Guilford Four - Term Paper Example The intensity of the ensuing aggression culminated into the deployment of the British Army in Ireland. The IRA (Irish Republican Army) was one of the most violent military parties that fought for Ireland’s independence. In the early 1970s, the group started challenging British troops in Ireland. With time, the group’s violence developed into massive bombing campaigns aimed at public utility, civilian, as well as military targets. When the British, in the effort to control the increasing aggression, introduced incarceration without trial in the year 1971 August, corroboration for the IRA increased. There arose many cases of injustices in the British legal system when dealing with Irish-related cases – wrong imprisonment of innocent Irish victims by the British government increased significantly (Fitzduff and O’Hagan, 2000). This paper delves into the Guilford episode, an incident that had to do with drug-induced and coerced confessions, fabricated and suppr essed evidence, and a society under siege dashing into judgment. The Guilford episode saw the arrest and false conviction of four innocent people following the bombing of the Guildford and Woolwich English pubs, which English soldiers liked frequenting while off duty. The suspects were henceforth referred to as the Guilford Four. The bombing led to the death of seven people and forty-two others were sustained injuries (Howard, 1992). The paper also explores the political and cultural climate that was present in both England and Ireland at the time of the bombing, and talks about English attitudes towards the Irish. Introduction The case of the Guilford Four presents a good example of an injustice in an Irish-related case that took place on 22 October 1975, when Paddy Armstrong, Paul Hill, Carole Richardson, and Gerry Conlon, four young people from Northern Ireland were convicted for the 5 October 1974 bombings of Guilford and Woolwich on behalf of the Irish Republican Army. The bomb s went off in pubs in Guilford and Woolwich that British soldiers liked to visit while off duty, killing seven people and injuring forty-two others. This was the reason as to why they were selected as targets by the IRA. In other words, this terrorist attack was part of a bombing campaign and a wave of violent attacks that the Irish Republican Army committed against Great Britain in the 1970s (Bihler, 2009). The political and cultural climate that was present in both England and Ireland at the time of the bombing The Guilford and Woolwich bombings occurred at a time when IRA had taken a horrible toll on Britain – in the first ten months of the year 1974; Britain had experienced ninety-nine bombings with injuries amounting to approximately one hundred and forty five people and fatalities/deaths amounting to nineteen people. Spaced out as the bombings were, the deaths and injuries might have been at a tolerable level, but on 21 November 1974, all this changed with the Guilford and Woolwich bombings. In retaliation to the two bombings, Britain convulsed with anger – angry mobs assailed innocent Irish residents in Birmingham streets and in London, they firebombed Irish businesses. Innocent Irish people became scapegoats for the atrocities of the IRA and the attempts of public officials to appeal for calm and stop the bombings in the streets were futile (Howard, 1992). A sampling of headlines as well as sub-headlines from October through
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